A83: Re: I need the asm command


A83: Re: I need the asm command

There are lot's of source code where it shuts down the calc. TI had a source
in one of their documents too on how to do this (they even gave you the
source code and the HEX). Sorry but this is all that I know on that subject.
You really just need to have a real good look at the sorce code.
                        ( o o )
 /  Steven Conway                         \
[                                                        ]
[   Conway@ssc.net.au                 ]
[  (   )                                                ]
 \__\ (____(   )______________/
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-----Original Message-----
From: Phelan Wolf <gwatford@worldnet.att.net>
To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Tuesday, 10 March 1998 10:17
Subject: A83: I need the asm command

>I would like to know how to shotdown the TI-83 using asm, if it can be
>done then I would like somebody to send me the code.  I would have it
>run, shutdown my calc, then restart back into the program I shut it down
>Any help would be nice:
>Phelan 'Amen' Wolf