A83: Strange Ashell bug


A83: Strange Ashell bug

Hello all,
	I'm curious as to why this happens.  You can try it too, but you
will have to take the batteries out of your calc.  For 83 users with
Ashell, try making Ashell compatible with ITSELF :)  Just add the colon at
the beginning of the BASIC code.  Now, run the program, and try launching
it from within itself.  As you would expect, it doesn't look like anything
changes, but now you can't exit, or run any other BASIC programs through
Ashell.  The assembly programs still work fine, though.  Does anyone know
why this happens?  I'm just curious, and I confess to having way too much
free time :)

-David Endahl

"Without the band, it's just a GAME!"
"The first half is pre-game for  the halftime show"
"The second half is a time to prepare for the post-game show"
"Come for the band, stay for the football"
