A83: another Zcal bug isolated


A83: another Zcal bug isolated

Today I found another bug in Zcal for Ashell :)  I think that it is what's
causing the inconsistency in dates, even though the bug is "fixed".  If you
have the program, try this:
Go to Feb. 1998
	Hit the down arrow THREE times to go back to Feb. 1995
	Hit the up arrow once to go to 1996 (a leap year)
	Where's February 29'th???
This problem is weirder than just the first simple algorithm problem,
because if you just go back to Feb. 1996 without going back before it, it
displays 29 days, but if you go past it, it leaves out the extra day!  This
works for any leap year.  I'd like to see if the author of the game knows
about this, and if anyone else has been able to confirm this bug.  Thanks!

-David Endahl

"Without the band, it's just a GAME!"
"The first half is pre-game for  the halftime show"
"The second half is a time to prepare for the post-game show"
"Come for the band, stay for the football"
