A83: Re: Running Assembly Programs!


A83: Re: Running Assembly Programs!

actually its simpler than that :)

 ld hl,progname1
 rst 20h
 call _chkfindsym
 jr c,no_prog
 call _exec_assembly

>  call _zerooop1    ;
>  ld hl,progname1   ; the name of the prog
>  ld de,op1         ; copy it to op1
>  ld bc,7           ; 8 chars in name
>  ldir              ; do the copying
>  call _chkfindsym  ; look it up
>  call _exec_assembly
>  ret

>Woah...simple right!  Barely worth a tutorial...I wonder if BASIC programs
>work the same way.   I'll try, and get back to you all if it does...

yep basic progs work the same way....with a diff call of course