A83: Matrices


A83: Matrices

here are my 2 matrix programs. the first one creates a matrix and stores
a floating point number to each element. the second one displays all the
elements in a matrix. once again, enjoy! =)


#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"

_creatermat .equ 446Ah
rmatobj .equ 02h

.org 9327h

     call _zerooop1    ; clear op1
     ld hl,op1         ; copy var name for matrix [A] into op1
     ld (hl),rmatobj   ;
     inc hl            ;
     ld (hl),tvarmat   ;
     inc hl            ;
     ld (hl),tmata     ;
     call _chkfindsym  ; look it up
     call nc,_delvar   ; if it is there delete it
     ld hl,$0102       ; 1 by 1
     call _creatermat  ; create it

; store to elements
; takes less space than _puttol because you
; copy the data directly to the element
; instead of to op1, then to the element

     push de                ; save matrix address
     ld bc,$0101            ; element 1
     call _adrmele          ; calculate element address
     ex de,hl               ; de -> element address
     ld hl,element1         ; hl -> num
     ld bc,9                ; 9 bytes
     ldir                   ; copy num to element

     pop de                 ; restore matrix address
     ld bc,$0102            ; element 2
     call _adrmele          ; calculate element address
     ex de,hl               ; de -> element address
     ld hl,element2         ; hl -> num
     ld bc,9                ; 9 bytes
     ldir                   ; copy num to element



     .db $00,$80,$75,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00  ; 7.5


     .db $80,$82,$73,$45,$67,$23,$89,$00,$00  ; -734.5672389

; notes:
;  1) these are the matrix names
;      [A]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmata
;      [B]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmatb
;      [C]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmatc
;      [D]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmatd
;      [E]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmate
;      [F]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmatf
;      [G]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmatg
;      [H]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmath
;      [I]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmati
;      [J]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmatj




#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"

_errundefined .equ 467Bh
rmatobj .equ 02h

.org 9327h

     call _zerooop1      ; clear op1
     ld hl,op1           ; copy var name for matrix [A] into op1
     ld (hl),rmatobj     ;
     inc hl              ;
     ld (hl),tvarmat     ;
     inc hl              ;
     ld (hl),tmata       ;
     call _chkfindsym    ; look it up
     jp c,_errundefined  ; error if not found
     push de             ; de -> matrix address
     pop hl              ;
     call _ldhlind       ; hl -> matrix size
     ld bc,$0101         ; bc -> element number


     push hl             ; store count
     push bc             ; store element num


     push hl             ; store count
     push bc             ; store element num
     push de             ; store matrix address
     call _getmtoop1     ; get element to op1
     ld a,16             ; format number for display
     call _formreal      ;
     ld hl,16            ;
     sbc hl,bc           ;
     ld a,l              ;
     ld (curcol),a       ;
     ld hl,op3           ;
     call _puts          ; display it
     pop de              ; restore matrix address
     pop bc              ; restore element num
     inc c               ; increment column
     pop hl              ; store count
     dec l               ; decrement column count
     ld a,l              ; see if coulmn count is at 0
     or a                ;
     jr nz,coll          ;

     pop bc              ; restore element num
     inc b               ; increment row
     pop hl              ; restore count
     dec h               ; decrement row count
     ld a,h              ; see if row count is at 0
     or a                ;
     jr nz,rowl          ;

; notes:
;  1) these are the matrix names
;      [A]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmata
;      [B]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmatb
;      [C]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmatc
;      [D]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmatd
;      [E]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmate
;      [F]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmatf
;      [G]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmatg
;      [H]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmath
;      [I]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmati
;      [J]  rmatobj,tvarmat,tmatj

