A83: Re: wish list


A83: Re: wish list

>1) i would like to know how to turn on the graph cursor. i can get the
>home screen cursor to go but for the life of me i can't get the graph
>cursor to go! i wanted to possibly use it in an advanced drawing

you mean input or a block cursor on the graph screen?

>2) while searching for other things to put in the wish list, i thought
>to myself, "look in squish.inc!" if you haven't you should. n e waz, i
>found this:
>_EXEC_ASSEMBLY     equ           5102h
>is this the call to execute a non-squished asm program? if so how is it

yep.... load the name into op1 and call it

>_KEYTOSTRING       equ           480Dh
>could this be used to mimic a basic Input in asm?

it probably takes the key and converts it to ascii depending on which flags
are set, etc....look for the result in A

>_GETKEYPRESS       equ           47BDh
>what does this do?

probably a pause and getkey, returned in A

>7) sooooo many calls in squish.inc were related to the parser. do you
>realize what you could do if you knew how to use it?

yep....it can be very useful for a virus that returns slightly modified
'smart' answers :)

>8) error handling. hmmm... nothing is worse in a program than a runtime
>error. it leaves the calculator in a mess. the best solution is usually
>to reset your calc, but what if you don't have some where to get your
>lost information from?

the error number is stored into an op. when an error occurs you can clear
this op (forgot how to tell if theres an error but there should be a call)