A83: Re: To the Wizard of Oz...


A83: Re: To the Wizard of Oz...

> so much, so quickly.  Well, where exactly did you look?!  I've looked a

to start i downloaded every program in the ti-83 assembly archive on
ticalc, and read over every program that included the source. then i
went to the links page on ticalc and visited every page that was ti-83
related (even though that didn't help me much).

also there is a program that uses _createprog for the 83. that is where
i first found out how to use all the "create" calls. i found the equates
in the squish.inc file. you can find the program here:


> Like that pic program, how did you know that $AA and $55 were the bytes you
> should use?

thoes bytes come from ti's documentation. the first byte, $AA, is object
type string. that equates to "tvarstring". i don't know what the second
byte, $55, is. where did you get that from? look here for more info:


if you don't understand that you can always come directly to me.

> Also, look at this:
>      ld hl,op1              ;
>      ld (hl),$02            ;
>      inc hl                 ;
>      ld (hl),$5C            ;
>      inc hl                 ;
>      ld (hl),$00            ;
> woah...how in the hell did you learn tricks like that?!

i learned that one from a mail someone sent me when i asked a question
about user strings vars. it was in the one of the examples.

> Yes!  I just fixed your program...man, this team-effort shit is working
> well.

no kidding! thanks again for fixing such a dumb mistake.
