A83: Matrices
A83: Matrices
well i'm sorry i can't get this one figured out. just like james
matthews i keep getting ERR:LINK. ti must have left some thing out
because i can't get anything to work. maybe pat can help?
#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"
_errundefined .equ 467Bh
.org 9327h
call _zerooop1 ; clear op1
ld hl,op1 ;
ld (hl),$02 ;
inc hl ;
ld (hl),$5C ;
inc hl ;
ld (hl),$00 ;
call _chkfindsym ; look up list
jp c,_errundefined ; error if not found
push de
ld hl,500
call _setxxxxop2
call _op1exop2
pop de
ld bc,$11 ; row 1 col 1
call _puttomat ; store it
; notes:
; 1) these are the matrix names
; [A] $02,$5C,$00
; [B] $02,$5C,$01
; [C] $02,$5C,$02
; [D] $02,$5C,$03
; [E] $02,$5C,$04
; [F] $02,$5C,$05
; [G] $02,$5C,$06
; [H] $02,$5C,$07
; [I] $02,$5C,$08
; [J] $02,$5C,$09