A83: Lists
A83: Lists
here you go you pansies. it wasn't that hard, i made this in 20 mins,
and most of that involved commenting it (god this was simple to make).
all a ya can stop whining now. i told you to look at ti's documentation
but i guess you can't read swahili. =)
this one displays element 1 of list IAN. just compile it and send it to
your calc. then type this into a new program.
:923497->lIAN(1) 923497 could be any number (even floating point)
:Send(9prgmZLIST but NOT complex!
to change the name of the list just read the comments in this file.
same deal with changing the element number.
give a sec and i will put together one to store to a list.
#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"
_errundefined .equ 467Bh
.org 9327h
call _zerooop1 ; clear op1
ld hl,listname ; where to copy name from
ld de,op1 ; where to copy name to
ld bc,6 ; length of name
ldir ; all set, copy it
call _chkfindsym ; look up list
jp c,_errundefined ; error if not found
ld hl,1 ; # of element to get (1-999)
call _getltoop1 ; look it up
; op1 contains the element's value
ld a,16 ; format number for display
call _formreal ;
ld hl,16 ;
sbc hl,bc ;
ld a,l ;
ld (curcol),a ;
ld hl,op3 ;
call _puts ; and finally display it!
.db $01,$5D,"IAN",$00 ; the user list IAN
; notes:
; 1) if the list name is 5 chars long it
; doesn't need to be 0 terminated
; less than 5 chars:
; list IAN would be $01,$5D,"IAN",$00
; 5 chars:
; list HELLO would be $01,$5D,"HELLO"
; 2) for L1 - L6 use this format
; $01,$5D,# of list
; L1 would be $01,$5D,$01
; L2 would be $01,$5D,$02
; L3 would be $01,$5D,$03
; L4 would be $01,$5D,$04
; L5 would be $01,$5D,$05
; L6 would be $01,$5D,$06