A83: Matrices., and a message to Pat.


A83: Matrices., and a message to Pat.


> #define equ .equ
> #define EQU .equ
> #define end .end
> #include "ti83asm.inc"
> #include "tokens.inc"
> #define matrixobj 02h
> .org 9237h
>   call  _ZEROOOP1   ;Ti documentation say zeroop1!
>   ld    hl,matrixname
>   ld    de,op1
>   ld    bc,3
>   ldir
>   call  _chkfindsym
> ;Ok What are you cheacking here

OK, its this entire thing I'm unsure about, and this is why I bitch about
TI releasing some more example programs.  What I THINK I'm doing, is try to
find the starting memory address of the matrix, and put it in DE.

>   inc   de
>   inc   de ; Gone to the fith byte of OP1, yes?
Huh? :)...What I thought I was doing was incrementing the memory address of
the matrix to get to the elements.

>   ld    bc,0101h       ; Do you want a hex number here?
Yeah...I think so.  I want the first row, first column...

>   ld    a,10d
>   call  _setxxop1    ;What does this do?
This puts the acc into op1.

>   call  _puttomat    ; And this too.
This puts OP1 to a matrix at DE in row/col bc.

So, what am I doing wrong?


To Pat:

I hope you didn't write those documents, because I've been laying into them
recently.  If you did, I apologize...I understand that you did put work
into them, but being such an advanced programmer yourself, I think you
assumed too much.

The documents that WERE helpful were the ones with those small code
fragments that explained stuff...the recalling system variables, the
contrast changer etc., etc.  It'd be great if you could merely add a small
example program to the bottom of each document that shows how to use the
documented ROM Calls.


