A83: Re: Re: Re: fwd: petition
A83: Re: Re: Re: fwd: petition
How about a full listing of the RST commands on the 83 from 0h to FFh
that would help out alot
-Harper Maddox
IRC nick: Geori
ICQ: 1214597
-----Original Message-----
From: Trey Jazz <joemama@minot.com>
To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Monday, June 08, 1998 4:23 PM
Subject: A83: Re: Re: fwd: petition
>ok anyone that has some questions that they would like to be answered
>(especially if they have posted them here and they havent been answered)
>post them now. if theyre routines that are in other programs and you want
>know what they did dont post them. if they are routines that the tios uses
>post them. post anything you want to know as long as it isnt 1st grade
>because this is probably the last chance you will get to have the
>information unless someone wants to disassemble the whole rom and comment
>>Now the guy tells me...I go to all the trouble of organizing it, and they
>>basically say no the day I send it...
>>ok, well...I'll organize a freaking wish list...same method people...if
>>want something, send it to me with the subject "wish" and gimme
>>PS: The bombardment was a joke...Conway is like that, aren't you Conway
>>> From: Pat Milheron <pmilheron@ti.com>, on 6/8/98 12:12 PM:
>>> To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
>>> To all - My name is Pat Milheron and I was the lead software engineer
>>> the TI-83 and
>>> also the one who pushed for opening up the 83 for assembly
>>> programming.
>>> I understand your frustrations about not having more
>>> the 83
>>> system routines, but you need to understand that TI had never
>>> full
>>> disclosure of information. If you haven't read the introduction
>>> assembly
>>> language programming for the 83 at our web site I suggest you
>>do. It
>>> clearly
>>> states what our role will be as far as support is concerned. I
>>> augmented
>>> my original documentation and also answered many questions that
>>> gotten into
>>> some of the non TI documentation.
>>> I have scanned through the postings on Assembly-83 concerning the
>>> petition
>>> and I have a few replies. TI doesn't have a resource assigned to
>>> supporting
>>> any end user assembly programming for any model, including the 86
>>> which is also
>>> another project of mine. I do however scan the incoming
>>> both the 83
>>> and the 86, but I also am working on other things, I do this to
>>> an eye
>>> open for some 'major' gaps in what I believed to be sufficient
>>> documentation and
>>> I do not know of any outstanding 'gaps' at this time, if I am wrong I
>>> would like
>>> to receive a 'wish list' that is a collection of what you all
>>> the gaps are.
>>> Secondly generating the documentation is not just cutting and pasting
>>> from the
>>> source code. There is a massive amount of assumed background
>>> information
>>> that is not documented with each routine in the ROM. The
>>overhead for
>>> TI to support
>>> system development via E-mail would be huge in the resource
>>area. And
>>> finally,
>>> please don't engage in a bombardment campaign, nothing good could come
>>> from that.
>>> I have subscribed to Assembly-83 and will keep an eye on what's
>>> going on.
>>> Later,
>>> Pat