Re: A83: ideas and stuff


Re: A83: ideas and stuff

{{Jimmy wrote:

> What do you mean by this?   Do you mean a compiler on the calc?
> >[[--  Upcoming program  --]]
> >I think there should be a normal, no feature, on-board >assembler for
> >those who want to program in school.  It should have >the normal
> >mnemonic
> >code, but no other features.  Just something simple at >first, and
> later
> >upgrade it--MEANING it should be left very >upgradeable.  This 
> >shouldn't take up much space, and if it does, that's >what the
> >e1/e2/e...
> >is for.
> _________________________________________________________
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Yes - I think that's what he means.  Not very many people bring their
laptops to school.

Bryan Rabeler <>
   File Archives, HTML, and Support
   the project -}}

Now I'm getting kind of ticked...just a little.  I specifically said 
"assembler" not compiler, there's a difference.  An assembler I always 
thought of was something that changes word to byte, word to byte, and it 
was always 1 to 1 direct translation.  Compiling is something that 
stores all labels and crap first, then starts to assemble.  I wanted to 
see something simple as an assembler at first, then later have it 
upgraded to a compiler, and maybe even a translator.

About the 1 star your opinion it maybe a sucky 1 star 
program, but in my opinion it might be a 3 or 4.  My opinion may go the 
other way too, if you think something is great and 5 star, I may think 
you're stupid and it should be a 1 star or not even on the charts.

I got kind of ticked because you answered with "that's what he 
means"...I CAN ANSWER FOR MYSELF...I'm not some baby that can't type.

About the splitting apart the .zip...most contracts say "this .zip isn't 
to be split up from it's original files"...well if you just COPY the 
.txt inside, you aren't splitting the .zip up, you're just showing to 
the "audience" what's inside the .zip.  There are always ways around a 
contract or license agreement, or even the every day packets--as my dad 
got $1,000 benefits from finding a loophole in the homeowners-self 
employed documents.  PLUS, who's going to sue for anything 
they do to their FREE files?  Who's going to waist their money to bring 
a FREE file up in court?  (I would say stupid dorks who think they can 
bum money off of people just by taking them to court--it's the coffee 
incident all over again).

About the numerous shells.  I think it's great that someone out there is 
understanding how a calculator works.  I say keep on making the shells, 
and if those people making games want to so-called "port" them, fine, 
it'll give you some experience too.  You say there shouldn't be so many 
shells, yet people keep upgrading.  You say "there are only about 2 
browsers, and web-pagers want them to look good on both" yet those 2 
browsers have so many upgrades to them, it's like having 100 browsers.  
Let's take programming languages as an example instead (since shells are 
assembly programmed and that's a language and THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING 
ABOUT).  There's basic, c, c++, vbasic, vc++, asm, and many more.  Well, 
why do we need all of these languages, why not make one that has the 
ability to work all the way down to machine language, translates, 
debugs, easy to use and handle, very upgradeable, and compiles.  
Seriously who here would like to see 1 program that does everything that 
the other languages could do but better?  If they took all those other 
languages off the market, I wouldn't want it.  I like having many ways 
to program a game.  I like to be able to port my games, and seeing the 
speed difference between the languages.  I wouldn't want to be stuck 
with only 1 language.  Variety is the word I'm looking for here.  Basic 
has it's easy to use interface, while c and c++ has it's speed.  Maybe 
there's a shell that possibly is easy to use, while another has it's 
speed.  At least people are doing something instead of sitting on their 
butts.  It gives us something to do.  And if the programmer sees a new 
shell, then it's their choice to port their programs, if the shell 
receives no attention then that shell should be taken off.  I have 
tried, and I am still trying to learn how the calculator works.  I can't 
get my romdump to work, so I'm trying to do it using hexdump or 
whatever, but my cord doesn't work.  This frustrated me to the point in 
typing this massive e-mail.  I want to learn all of the calculaors, and 
then I could make a shell for each calculator that is translated across 
calculators, and the porting of games isn't thought of anymore.  I've 
got some designs done so that each calculator will support the same 
things.  I've heard that 1 of the calculators don't do some of the ASM 
that others do, so I'm planning on placing that inside the shell.

How does that sound?


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