Re: A83: Tutorials...


Re: A83: Tutorials...

errr dangit hehe I'm going to send another one because I'm stupid!
nevermind... no more suggestions!

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Wingbermuehle <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, June 02, 1998 7:45 PM
Subject: Re: A83: Tutorials...

>oh, this stupid msg has been going on so long I forgot about the
>but then wouldn't it be 180 since there are 3 odd and 3 even numbers?
>(divide by 2)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Bryan Rabeler <>
>To: <>
>Date: Tuesday, June 02, 1998 7:40 PM
>Subject: Re: A83: Tutorials...
>> wrote:
>>> Since you have a six digit number with three (not including the second
>>> odd numbers, wouldn't you just do 6!*(3/6) and get 360?  Or am I
>>> off?
>>> Paul
>>Because the one restriction is that the last digit MUST be odd.  6!/2!
>>to your expression above) would work if it didn't matter if the number was
>odd or
>>Bryan Rabeler <>
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