A83: Chicks....Chicks.....And More ....


A83: Chicks....Chicks.....And More ....

Hey Guys,
     I'm having a hell of a time here.  I found a dork with a laptop that thinks he knows
 how to program in ASM.  Dumbass doesn't even know what the free ram
 areas are.  At least he let me use his piece of crap laptop to send this letter.
Man there are so many chicks here its patetic.  They love geniuses.  I showed 
them I could program a low level language and boommmm they were all over me.
Lets just say that "They love me to play around with their registers, shift their bits,
 and byte them."  Well I got chicks calling me.  Haven't had time to read the 200
messages yet.  Keep programming those lousy programs so I can show you
how to correct them.  
