Re: A83: Re: ROM calls


Re: A83: Re: ROM calls

>The call command moves the stack pointer (SP) and the program counter 
>(PC). Like this: -SP=PC,PC=nn where nn is the location being called.

and in plain english that is: :)

it pushes the the address of the next instruction onto the stack and jumps
to the memorylocation specified..
the 'ret' instructions then pops the 'return-address' from the stack and
jumps to it (= puts it in PC..)
that is why your program fucks up if you dont pop your pushed bytes
properly in your sub-routine..

example  (for you who likes that.. :)

	call sub303	    this pushes the addresss of 
	ld   a,42	<- THIS instruction onto the stack and then jumps to
               	...              'sub303'
	ret		This then pops two bytes (an address) from the stack
			and puts this in the PC, thus making a jump back to the
			'ld   a,42' instruction, if you havent messed the stack 			up..

Got it?

