A83: UltraEdit...
A83: UltraEdit...
Hehe...well, I'm bored, people are quiet as hell, so why not make this post
Good old Movax pointed me to a program called UltraEdit
(http://www.idmcomp.com/), the program is really cool, as is excellent for
ASM programming. It will run TASM in a shell window, and you can double
click on the line errors to jump to that line!
It also has syntax colouring, those not support for Z80...if you want
support, I made the relevant file which I can send to ya'll...
Just a little tip :)...
James Matthews.
E-mail (family): matthews@tkb.att.ne.jp
E-mail (private): james_matthews@hotmail.com
Homepage: http://home.att.ne.jp/gold/tomcat21/index.html
ICQ: 7413754