Re: A83: EMU83...and parsing.
Re: A83: EMU83...and parsing.
Why not talk about this sort of thing on the TI-Emultor mailing list?
Bryan Rabeler <>
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Eric Sun wrote:
> Has anyone used all the calc emulators? I'm trying a few out, is CalcEm, emu83, or TI8xemu better? I've tried out ti8xemu, not the others though...
> Eric
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of James Matthews
> Sent: Friday, July 24, 1998 3:59 AM
> To: Assembly 83 List
> Subject: A83: EMU83...and parsing.
> Hey guys...
> Because I *really* needed an emulator, and CalcEm was funny on me (stupid
> MFC support files...) I went looking for another. I came across emu83,
> that Florient wrote. Damn COOL emulator!! Ok, so its for DOS...but it
> looks cool, works great, even has a debugger!!
> Florient, if you know Win32 programming, you should really consider porting
> that to Windows. I know great CalcEm is already a great emulator for
> Win95, but having another never hurts :)...
> --------------
> Anyway, I managed to test the Parsing program, and it worked...thank you
> Pat! Here's the code, its not exactly complicated, since its just a test
> program.
> #define equ .equ
> #define EQU .equ
> #define end .end
> #include ""
> #include ""
> _errundefined .equ 467Bh
> equobj .equ 03h
> parseinp equ 4E8Ch
> .org 9327h
> call _zerooop1 ; clear op1
> ld hl,op1 ; load var name for Str1 into op1
> ld (hl),equobj ;
> inc hl ;
> ld (hl),tvarequ ;
> inc hl ;
> ld (hl),10h ;
> call _chkfindsym ; look it up
> jp c,_errundefined ; error if not found
> call parseinp
> ld a,9
> call _dispop1a
> ret
> .end
> Make sure you have a value in X, and an equation in Y1...
> Now we can make our own graphing programs :)...I'll hopefully port my 3D
> graphing program to ASM soon.
> Later,
> James.
> ____________________
> James Matthews.
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