Re: A83: Gaming techniques...


Re: A83: Gaming techniques...

I can only help you out with one thing, highscores (program writeback). 
Just define a byte or word and change it.   For example for a high score
from 0-255 do

If you don't understand the below, basiacally, you create a byte using
.db or a word using .dw, load that to hl, and use (hl) to store something
to the location.  Seeing how difficult it for me to express my ideas, you
can see why I'm not making any tutorials. : )

You can store anything you want to the program which I think is really
cool cause it's like a permanant variable that can't be overitten

I just got an idea, I'm gonna make an ASM program that let's  you store
and recall variables to/from it in basic so tyou don't have to use user
variables and lists.

; For displaying the high score

	ld	hl,HighScore
	call	_dispHL

; For storing the high score

	ld	a,(currentscore)	; If you stored the current
score to 	ld	hl,HighScore	; (currentscore)
	ld	(hl),a

; This area of the prog would acctually change after you got the

	.db	0		; Or you could use .dw for a higher
high 					; score capacity

On Sat, 18 Jul 1998 01:20:23 +0900 "James Matthews"
<> writes:
>Ok...this is *yet again* my attempt to get this ML off its lazy ass, 
>get it moving!
>Ok, I'd like to add a few more gaming orientated tutorials, so I'd 
>like to
>get some game-theory outta some of you people -- Olle, Florient, 
>Movax, Linus, Joe...all a ya!
>Ok, here are some of the areas:
>1.)  Background scrolling.
>2.)  Cool (as in small and efficient) sprite animation routines.
>3.)  AI...for enemies etc.
>4.)  Map loading.
>5.)  High scoring remembering.  Mind you, with the list discovery our 
>Ian made, that's             not too much trouble.
>6.)  Collision detection.
>7.)  Coloured lighting...
>8.)  OpenGL support...
>Oh wait...disregard 7 & 8 :)
>So, you guys got some feedback for us?
>James Matthews.
>E-mail (family):
>E-mail (private):
>ICQ:  7413754

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