Re: A83: my Pixel-rutine..


Re: A83: my Pixel-rutine..

On this list you don't get response when you do something constructive - only
if you flame someone, have a too long signature, write something very stupid,
argue about whose computer is the best and so on. But getting response on some
great 83 coding? Ya kidding...


(Allright, so it's not 100% true, but lets see how many replies I'll get to
this message. =))

On 16-Jul-98, Olle Hedman wrote:

>I noticed that I didn't get _any_ response at all to my pixelrutine..
>and I was just asking myself..  why?  Did you think it was stupid? didn't
>you understand it? was it to uggly, or do you just not like me? :)
>please tell me! 
>( If you are afraid to ask..  ask in private :)

>happy coding ;)
