Re: A83: PacMan and Orzunoid


Re: A83: PacMan and Orzunoid

>        Finally! A Pac-man asm game on the ti-83!  I think its great, 
>and so is Orzunoid.

     Thank you

>  Pac-man's CPU is awesome, but there are only 4 or 5 levels.  To 
>solve this, you could add external levels to the game.

    Patrick Davidson tried that with the 85 version. The game just 
wasn't very stable with the external level support so he removed it. I 
think the 86 version still has external levels.

>  Orzunoid should also have external levels to make the game smaller.

   I am going to add that along with an on-calc level editor to the 82 
version once I finish porting Ztetris to the 82. Once the 82 version has 
external levels, the 83 version will have them shortly after.

>        Well, are you still working on Frawg Guts 1.1?  I read on >your 
page that a new version of Falldown is being released soon.  >What's new 
about it?
>                        -D. Nguyen
    No comment.

>P.S. I read something about Jacob Boyce porting Galaxian to the ti-83 
>in your readme for Pacman.  Is it finished?  Where can i find it?

    Jacob Boyce ported Galaxian 82 to the 83. He sent it to me along 
with the source. His source was a great help in porting my other 82 
games to the 83. He then went on vacation. Jacob just returned from it. 
Galaxian should be released very soon.

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