Re: A83: PacMan and Orzunoid


Re: A83: PacMan and Orzunoid

	Finally! A Pac-man asm game on the ti-83!  I think its great, and
so is Orzunoid.  Pac-man's CPU is awesome, but there are only 4 or 5
levels.  To solve this, you could add external levels to the game. 
Orzunoid should also have external levels to make the game smaller.
	Well, are you still working on Frawg Guts 1.1?  I read on your
page that a new version of Falldown is being released soon.  What's new
about it?

			-D. Nguyen

P.S. I read something about Jacob Boyce porting Galaxian to the ti-83 in
your readme for Pacman.  Is it finished?  Where can i find it?

On Sun, 12 Jul 1998 22:28:34 -0400 Ahmed El-Helw <>
>	PacMan and Orzunoid have been ported to the 83 from the 82 
>versions.  They
>are on my page [I ported them].  Please tell me what you think.
>						-Ahmed
>Ahmed El-Helw
>ICQ: 3350394

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