A83: Game Ideas (ASM)
A83: Game Ideas (ASM)
Here are some assembly game ideas that I can think of for the 83:
1) A tetris game that can has linking capabilities, Level or Difficulty
Select, and better graphics than the one Bill Nagel made over a year ago.
2) Any ASM Tournament Fighting game.
3) Lode Runner
4) Missiles(You protect cities from missiles by blowing them up with your
own missiles)
5) Pinball
6) 3D Shooter like Doom with smooth scrolling or turning
7) Sim-City Clone
8) Bust-a-Move
9) Star Fox
10) Castlevania, Metroid, or Contra
11) F-Zero
12) Tecmo Bowl
13) Wario Land
14) Streets of Rage
15) Baseball
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