A83: Re: djnz
A83: Re: djnz
djnz: Decrement B, and jump to xx if not zero.
for example here's a program I wrote that uses it...
xor a ;acc to 0
call _clrLCDFull
ld a,16 ;Character set starts at 16.
ld b,7 ;7 lines w/o scrolling possible.
push af ;Remember A
call _putc ;ASCII character of A.
ld l,a ;Load a to l.
ld h,0d ;0 to h.
call _disphl ;Display hl!
call _newline ;New line...
pop af ;Recall a.
inc a ;Increment it.
cp 242d ;If its 242 then...
jr z,exit ;Exit!
djnz inner ;Else, repeat.
push af ;Getkey screws up acc.
call _getkey ;Wait for a key.
pop af ;Recall a, repeat...
jr outer ;...from outer loop
James Matthews.
E-mail (family): matthews@tkb.att.ne.jp
E-mail (private): james_matthews@hotmail.com
Homepage: http://home.att.ne.jp/gold/tomcat21/index.html
ICQ: 7413754
> From: ZaMaddOne@aol.com
> To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org
> Subject: A83: djnz
> Date: Sunday, June 07, 1998 7:04 AM
> what's djnz do?