Re: A83: I need some help
Re: A83: I need some help
The problem here, is that the calc is multipling the variables D I and R
together in the first if statment. Your input statment is probably wrong
also, you can't input strings into real variables like that. What you
need is:
Input "C:>",Str1
If Str1 = "DIR"
Goto A
If Str1 = "EXIT"
If Str1 = "WIN"
Goto B
Notice the lack of Then statments. An If statment will perform the next
command if the condition is true, or the commands between Then and End if
the next command is a Then statment. This way, you don't eat up memory
with all the unclosed Then statments.
Andy Johnson
I think therefore I am, I think
On Fri, 23 Jan 1998 17:20:03 -0800 Phelan Wolf
<> writes:
>I have made a psuedo Windows 95 on my calc. Now that works fine and
>but now I tried to add a DOS to it but for some reason it doesn't
>any commands after the first.
>I have it like:
>goto A
>goto B
>And so on, but it only reads If K=DIR, if it is anything else it still
>to A?
>Can someone help me.