Re: A83: Pixel/Line/Rectangle Routines. =)
Re: A83: Pixel/Line/Rectangle Routines. =)
Hey, these are some really nice routines (SOS lib to be perhaps?).
I took a look at "PIXEL" and saw some places I thought could be
optimized. Take a look (my changes have >- at the start):
; Pixel Plotting Routine - By Jason Kovacs, with ZLIB's GetPix Routine.
; Input: D = X, E = Y, C = Pixel Color (0-Clear, 1-Plot, 2-XOR Pixel).
; Output: Pixel is Plotted to Graph Buffer according to Command in 'C'.
PIXEL: ; or/dec/dec = 3 bytes, 12 clocks
; cp/cp/cp = 6 bytes, 21 clocks
push bc ; Save Loop Value and Color
push de ; Save the Coordinates
ld a, c ; Load this to check which Color
>- or a ; optimized "cp 0"
call z, PIXEL_WHITE ; Execute PIXEL_WHITE if C=0
>- dec a ; optimized "cp 1"
call z, PIXEL_BLACK ; Execute PIXEL_BLACK if C=1
>- dec a ; optimized "cp 2"
call z, PIXEL_XORIT ; Execute PIXEL_XORIT if C=2
pop de ; Retrieve the Coords for Other Routines
pop bc ; Retrieve the Loop Value and Color
PIXEL_WHITE: ; ld = 2 bytes, 7 clocks
; xor = 1 byte, 4 clocks
ld a, d ; 'a' now has X Coordinate
call GETPIX ; Call the Pixel Routine from ZLIB
CPL ; Compliment 'a' for the correct Bit Mask
AND (hl) ; 'AND' to Clear the Pixel
ld (hl), a ; Write the new byte to Graph Buffer
>- xor a ; optimized "ld a, 0"
; xor =
ld a, d ; 'a' now has X Coordinate
call GETPIX ; Call the Pixel Routine from ZLIB
OR (hl) ; 'OR' to Plot the Pixel
ld (hl), a ; Write the new byte to Graph Buffer
>- xor a ; optimized "ld a,1"
ld a, d ; 'a' now has X Coordinate
call GETPIX ; Call the Pixel Routine from ZLIB
XOR (hl) ; 'XOR' to Toggle the Pixel
ld (hl), a ; Write the new byte to Graph Buffer
ret ; No need to reload A, done with CPs.
Everything looks good, but you would have to check and test it. Here's
some explanations:
1. "or a" will set the zero flag if a==0. It's small and fast.
2. "dec a" will perform "a-=1" and will set the zero flag if "a==0"
to begin with
3. "dec a" again; this will work to replace "cp 2" because a has
already been decremented once!
4. "xor a" is just smaller and faster than "ld a,0". One side effect
is that it will affect the flags register (but that doesn't
matter here).
5. This is necessary if the other optimizaions are used! Using
"ld a,1" here if the other optimizations are used will cause
PIXEL_XORIT to be called.
Oh, here's something else I thought of later:
; Pixel Plotting Routine - By Jason Kovacs, with ZLIB's GetPix Routine.
; Input: D = X, E = Y, C = Pixel Color (0-Clear, 1-Plot, 2-XOR Pixel).
; Output: Pixel is Plotted to Graph Buffer according to Command in 'C'.
PIXEL: ; or/dec/dec = 3 bytes, 12 clocks
; cp/cp/cp = 6 bytes, 21 clocks
push bc ; Save Loop Value and Color
push de ; Save the Coordinates
ld a, c ; Load this to check which Color
>- or a ; optimized "cp 0"
>- jr z, PIXEL_WHITE ; Execute PIXEL_WHITE if C=0
>- dec a ; optimized "cp 1"
>- jr z, PIXEL_BLACK ; Execute PIXEL_BLACK if C=1
>- dec a ; optimized "cp 2"
>- jr nz, PIXEL_END ; Execute PIXEL_XORIT if C=2
;Inline XOR routine
>- ld a, d ; 'a' now has X Coordinate (>-Moved this inline)
call GETPIX ; Call the Pixel Routine from ZLIB
XOR (hl) ; 'XOR' to Toggle the Pixel
>- ld (hl), a ; Write the new byte to Graph Buffer (>-I moved it)
pop de ; Retrieve the Coords for Other Routines
pop bc ; Retrieve the Loop Value and Color
ld a, d ; 'a' now has X Coordinate
call GETPIX ; Call the Pixel Routine from ZLIB
CPL ; Compliment 'a' for the correct Bit Mask
AND (hl) ; 'AND' to Clear the Pixel
ld a, d ; 'a' now has X Coordinate
call GETPIX ; Call the Pixel Routine from ZLIB
OR (hl) ; 'OR' to Plot the Pixel
This uses relative jumps instead of calls and returns. What do you
Ok, that's my 2 cents. I could really use this kind of code, so I hope
to see it in a lib. :)
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