Re: A83: Question
Re: A83: Question
>Come on, somebody answer this please, I'll shorten my questions...
>1. (pencol) & (penrow), Which is X and which is Y?
82 equates:
Pencol = CURSOR_X
Penrow = CURSOR_Y
Don't know why though. "Col"umns are vertical, and Rows are horizontal
so the opposite should be true. Anyway X and Y are determined by the
numbers loaded into penrow or pencol. Pencol, penrow, currow, curcol is
simply determine how the text is displayed not where.
ld de,$3909
ld (pencol),de
ld hl,InfoTxt1
call _vputs
d = $39 = Y coordinate
e = $09 = X coordinate
Of course this is when the upper left pixel is (0,0)
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