Re: A83: Question


Re: A83: Question

Come on, somebody answer this please, I'll shorten my questions...

1. (pencol) & (penrow), Which is X and which is Y?

2. Doing this...
	ld hl, X*256+Y	;Is the 'h' loaded with X, and 'l' loaded with Y?
	ld (pencol), hl	;But now 'l' is at (pencol)?  LSB or something?
													--Jason K.  =)

In a message dated 12/05/98 3:15:29 AM, writes:

>This question is kind of about byte order, and reverse byte loading or
>something, and here's the situation im doing... Im writing text to the
>screen in Inverse Video, and you know how it Wont draw a black line
>below the word to make it like a border of black all around, So I was
>thinking of writing the text one pixel lower, and then writing it in the
>the normal spot and this should do it... How to accomplish that though,
>is where Im confused... I dont understand (penrow) and (pencol), like
>which is X and which is Y, and which value of 'hl' goes into each when
>you do "ld (pencol), hl"...?  Someone clarify that for me... Ok, so in the
>routine that I want to draw the text one line lower first, do I increase
>'h' or increase 'l' temporarily (in use with '_vputs') so that I can increase
>the Y coordinate...? Thanks anybody for somehelp here... =)
>															--Jason K.