A83: SOS, BASIC, ASM, + other help needs!
A83: SOS, BASIC, ASM, + other help needs!
Hey, I'm pretty sure this is the place to send ?'s on the list, and if
it isn't, please tell me!
Well, I'm new to asm, and everyone has a test prog. when they're first
learning, and I just
have a question about SOS. I've read hundreds of things on how to
make a prog be
recognized by SOS. Here is my code, someone PLEASE make some sense of
#include "joeti83.inc"
.org $9327
xor a
jr start
.dw $0000
.dw description
.db "This is a test",$C1,"and only a test"
.db 0
start: call clrscr
ld hl,0000h
ld (currow),hl
ld hl,text
call puts
ld hl,0600h
ld (currow),hl
ld hl,text
call puts
call getk
or a
jr z,keyloop
call clrscr
text: .db "Scotti's Prog",0
.db "stuff"
end prog
Please e-mail me back, or post it, just so I can find it. <a
href="mailto:sbrescia@geocities.com">e-mail address</a> I put the
whole prog up here
because of 1 other question. I want to make Scotti's prog and sutff
on 2 seperate lines.
Could someone help me out here?
Also, maybe just give the program a look, and give me some pointers,
if possible. Ya
know, like optimizations and "stuff" like that.
I had 1 other question, and this would be for someone with basic AND
asm knowledge.
I have a basic prog I would like to convert to asm. It is an
EXTREMELY large prog, so
I will only put 1 routine here.
Disp "***TRAPEZIOD***"
Disp "ENTER 1 SIDE:":Prompt S
Disp "ENTER OTHER","SIDE:":Prompt T
Disp "ENTER HEIGHT:":Prompt H
Pause A
Goto S
end prog
If someone could help with putting this in asm? Oh, and that funny
looking u thingy is the
-> symbol. Dang it! I just have 1 more question. How in the world
do you store
something like an program that stores your homework into a string!
I've done this with
basic, but I don't know how to do it in asm. (I also would like to
store multipe strings,
like for 6 classes) If someone could talk to me about all of this (or
many people, just as
long as all of my questions get answered!) that would be great. THANX!
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