Re: A83: HL\2


Re: A83: HL\2

On 31-Aug-98, Olle Hedman wrote:

>At 06:39 1998-08-31 +0900, you wrote:
>>> Shift h right one step, then rotate l through carry to the right.
>>> sra h
>>> rr  l
>>Woah, could you explain that a little.  So the sra rotates h right one
>>step...what does the rr l do?  Thanks.

>look at it like this:
>contents in HL before:
>H:       L:
>10010101 01011100

>sra shifts H right one step like this:

>a zero is put in here ->01001010 <-the bit that was "pushed out" is put in
>Carry (important)

>rr rotates L right _through_carry_ like this:

>Here is the carry-bit put in (the bit that was pushed out from H)->10101110
>th bit pushed out is put in carry here to..  but we wont use that..

>so after, HL will look like this:
>H:       L:
>01001010 10101110

>thus shifted right one step, which is equal to have divided HL by 2..

>I hope that helped...

Thanks, that gave my keyboard a longer life. It sends its regards. =)

