Re: A83: Blinking
Re: A83: Blinking
Try my routine! This is kind of complicated. E-mail me if you don't
;----------------Direct Input Equates----------------
RstKey .equ 0ffh
Group_1 .equ 0feh
KDown .equ 254
KLeft .equ 253
KRight .equ 251
KUp .equ 247
Group_2 .equ 0fdh
KEnter .equ 254
KPlus .equ 253
KMinus .equ 251
KMul .equ 247
KDiv .equ 239
KPower .equ 223
KClear .equ 191
Group_3 .equ 0fbh
kMinus2 .equ 254
kThree .equ 253
kSix .equ 251
kNine .equ 247
kRbracket .equ 239
kTan .equ 223
kVars .equ 191
Group_4 .equ 0f7h
KPoint .equ 254
KTwo .equ 253
KFive .equ 251
KEight .equ 247
KLbracket .equ 239
KCos .equ 223
KPrgm .equ 191
KStat .equ 127
Group_5 .equ 0efh
KZero .equ 254
KOne .equ 253
KFour .equ 251
KSeven .equ 247
KComma .equ 239
KSin .equ 223
KMatrx .equ 191
KX .equ 127
Group_6 .equ 0dfh
KSto .equ 253
KLn .equ 251
KLog .equ 247
kX2 .equ 239
kX-1 .equ 223
kMath .equ 191
kAlpha .equ 127
Group_7 .equ 0bfh
KGraph .equ 254
KTrace .equ 253
KZoom .equ 251
KWindow .equ 247
KY .equ 239
k2nd .equ 223
kMode .equ 191
kDel .equ 127
Group1 .equ Group_1
Group2 .equ Group_2
Group3 .equ Group_3
Group4 .equ Group_4
Group5 .equ Group_5
Group6 .equ Group_6
Group7 .equ Group_7
; Title Blink
; Replace this comment with whatever otherinfo you want
; displayed along with the title
ld de,10000 ; DE is the timer
ld a,b ; B is the inverse text flag (B=1 or 0)
xor 1 ; If B=0, 1->b, vice versa: Is B 0 ; (All in a 1 byte
call z,NormFlash ; Yes: Display Normal text
call nz,InvFlash ; No: Display Inverse text
;----------------Key/Flash Delay----------------
ld a,RstKey ; Reset Keyport
out (1),a ; Send to Keyport
ld a,Group2 ; Set Keyport to Group2
out (1),a ; Send to Keyport
in a,(1) ; Get Keypress in a
cp KCLEAR ; Is it Clear?
jp z,EndOfGame ; Yes: Quit
ld a,RstKey ; Reset Keyport
out (1),a ; Send to Keyport
ld a,Group7 ; Set Keyport to Group7
out (1),a ; Send to Keyport
in a,(1) ; Get Keypress in a
cp k2nd ; Is it 2nd
jp z,GameStart ; Yes: Start game
cp kMode ; Is it Mode?
jp z,Options ; Yes: Options Menu
dec de ; DE-1->DE
ld a,d
or e ; Is DE 0?
jp nz,KeyDelay ; No: Delay/Getkey again
jp Flash ; Yes: Goto Flash
;----------------Display Title Routines----------------
res textInverse,(iy+textFlags)
call DispTitle
set textInverse,(iy+textFlags)
call DispTitle
push af
call _homeup
ld hl,Title
call _puts
pop af
>Yet another question hoping to get answered :) How do the blinking
>in galaxian or penguins in the title picture work. I looked at the
>but there is a lot going on there and it is hard to find.
>From: Chris
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