Re: A83: Re: Some kind bug in the ROM (or Joe's Breakout)


Re: A83: Re: Some kind bug in the ROM (or Joe's Breakout)

You'd be surprised at what you can do in ram. If you were using AShell, then
you were using a buggy version of Breakout anyway... hehe

One thing that does interrest me though, what exactly is the difference
between rom versions? I can't imagine that some are buggy....

Joe Wingbermuehle

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Lennartsson <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, August 25, 1998 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: A83: Re: Some kind bug in the ROM (or Joe's Breakout)

>I haven't got too much information about the RAM since it was a friend's
>calc, running ashell I think, it was quite strange.
>But it should probably only be the rom, because it can't use stuff in RAM
>that way I think, wonder if Pat knows.
>On Tue, 25 Aug 1998, Joe Wingbermuehle wrote:
>> I've never noticed that before, but I doubt it's the rom since the only
>> routines I use for Breakout are documented. Did you run any other
>> while you were in SOS? What programs were on your calculator? Did
>> else strange happen since you last reset your memory? Did anything happen
>> Breakout (like getting a certain falling block etc) that doesn't normally
>> happen?
>> Did anybody else ever experience this?
>> Joe Wingbermuehle
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Stefan Lennartsson <>
>> To: <>
>> Date: Tuesday, August 25, 1998 2:05 PM
>> Subject: A83: Some kind bug in the ROM (or Joe's Breakout)
>> >
>> >Hey,
>> >I've discovered a bug today
>> >After playing Breakout I went out to the TI-OS and started type some
>> >mathstuff when I could suddenly move the cursor left and the tokens
>> >disappeared and when I moved to the right they got back again.
>> >Just wanted to tell, since I haven't seen anything similar on the calc
>> >before.
>> >
>> >I can also tell ya that I'm 17
>> >
>> >/Stefan
>> >
