Re: A83: CalcEm, Aurora, endless venting, etc.


Re: A83: CalcEm, Aurora, endless venting, etc.

Bill Clinton..

Bryan Rabeler <>
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On Sun, 23 Aug 1998, James Matthews wrote:

> > January.  He [Bill] could give us all a great deal of ASM help.  You 
> didn't
> I once asked the guy over ICQ about one of his tutorials (wait, his ONLY
> tutorial).
> "Hey, how ya doing?  I was reading your FP tutorial.  What's FPST?"
> I waited and waited and waited for his reply....10 minutes later!
> "no idea...gotta go.  bye"
> What a wanker...:)  Gotta give it to him though, he's a good programmer.
> James.
> PS:  I think it has something to do with Bill...Bill Gates...Bill Nagel.
