A83: Re: What happpened to all of those seasoned ASM veterans? Why can'
A83: Re: What happpened to all of those seasoned ASM veterans? Why can't NE! help me?
> I'm a very impatient person. I need to know what's wrong with my
> program. I'm getting kind of tired of all of the idle chatter going in
> this list, and I can see why Trey left. It seems that there is almost no
> way to get reliable ASM help, save e-mail a knowledeble ASM programmer
> directly. I'm not saying that this list doesn't help me, I'm just
> frustrated with the difficulty in getting ASM help, especially on IRC.
> It just makes me mad. James, I'm not saying your tutorials don't help
> me, because they do. I just have specific problems and can't get a
> responce for them. Maybe I'm wrong, and someone is about to reply to one
> of my messages; I'm just frustrated.
Actually, most of the seasoned ASM veterans are too seasoned...hehe, they
hate Rom Calls, and just cannot help us, coz they don't know what all the
rom calls etc do.
The guys who know the Rom calls (excuse me, this sounds really bad...) are
the guy who read my tutorials! :)...and if we don't get it. There's not
very many people that can help...and one of em is an ass, too :)
I'm lucky coz I have two crazy Swedes that I talk to constantly, and they
always help me...
It is for this exact same reason, Alan, that you are even reading tutorials
written by me...I was so pissed off with the quality and lack of tutorials.
So I wrote my own...hehe.