Re: A83: Re: _chkfindsym & _findsym
Re: A83: Re: _chkfindsym & _findsym
Here you go... This is my answer. The one with the check performs a ret
nc before then proceeding to the _findsym. WHatever that means?
Here is the disassembly:
Address - code
ld l, 44h ;\
pop af ;|-- What does this do?
ret nc ;/
ld hl, (91e1h)
ld de, (91e3h)
call 010fh
ret z
inc hl
ld (91e1h), hl
>> What is the difference between _chkfindsym and _findsym?
>Hehe, we're both trying to do the same things here, aren't we. I was
>thinking the exact same question...I thought it was just another equate
>name, but I checked the ROM call equates and they're different. Its
>I know, AND squish.z80 calls _chkfindsym a few lines later. Anyone?
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