A83: Re: Assembly-83 Digest V1 #436
A83: Re: Assembly-83 Digest V1 #436
>1.) Scrolling background...lol, I'm getting so fed up of this...I may
>scrap it.
brickmaze for ashell83 uses a simple scrolling background routine that
you should be able to decipher.
>2.) My program write-back program...
what? just use a shell (hint, hint... sos)
>3.) External levels! Can someone perhaps direct me to a program...
i already gave advice on that. just use sos and zlib. and while you say
you don't want to be bias towards other shells, it's plain and simple,
sos is the best!
>4.) Interrupt routines!...You dead, Ian? You haven't posted in a >while...
sorry. i'm learning c++ and it's keeping me pretty busy. i haven't
stopped assembly, but i haven't touched any of my projects for a while.
well as for interrupt routines, go here...
and here...
>5.) Devpac...someone tell me how to use it. mov AX? :)
create a new batch file named zasm.bat and paste this into it
@echo off
tasm -t80 -b -i %1.z80 %1.bin
if errorlevel 1 goto ERR
devpac83 %1
goto XIT
echo Hey, something is wrong here!
del %1.lst
del %1.bin
to use it, in dos type
zasm [progname]
where [progname] is the name of the source file. the source file should
have a .z80 extension. but if you prefer a .asm extension, change the
".z80" in the 2nd line of the batch file to ".asm"