A83: Score storing problem...


A83: Score storing problem...

Guys, can you help me here.  This is supposed to store the value the user
enters in the programs.  I've got three problems:

1.)  The program score starts of at 37755.
2.)  The programs displays the highscore, and then prompts for input. With
no line...I don't think newline, nor loading a new currow helps.
3.)  The program locks up when it tries to write to the program :)...kinda



#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"

PGMIO_EXEC         equ           50B2h
_formDisp          equ           4D0Eh

.org 9327h

        call    _clrLCDFull
        call    _homeup
        ld      hl,ScoreText
	call    call _puts
        call    _newline
	ld	hl,HighScore	; Load current high score in HL
	call	_dispHL		; Display high score

        ld      de,821ch
        ld      hl,prompt
        ld      bc,16
        ld      a,1
        ld      (ASM_IND_CALL),a

        call    PGMIO_EXEC

	call    _convop1
	ld      a,e
	ld	hl,(HighScore)
	ld	(hl),a

prompt:         .db "Points: ",0
ScoreText:      .db "High Score: ",0
HighScore:	.db 0