A83: Bit tutorial...
A83: Bit tutorial...
Here's my tutorial on bit level instructions.
Those of you familiar with C++ know about the >>, <<, &, ~ etc. commands.
These are referred to as bit-level instructions. Those of you not familiar
with C++ — bit-level operators change numbers by changing the binary
Check this out…
00000001 = 1
Shift all bits left:
00000010 = 2
Shift all bits left:
00000100 = 4
Shift all bits left:
00001000 = 8
Shift all bits left:
00010000 = 16
Notice a pattern? Yes, by shifting the bits left, you double the number!
As you can imagine, the opposite is also true, if you shift to the right,
you half the number (
somewhat). The instructions that do this operation are called SLA and SRA
— Shift Left/Right Arimetric.
The only difference with these guys is that they are circular. In SLA and
SRA, the bit are merely shifted, with a 0 added to the appropriate side…RLC
and RRC actually takes the first bit and moves it to the last, or vice
versa. Here's an example for try to clarify this:
01001000 01001000
10010000 10010000
00100000 00100001
01000000 01000010
10000000 10000100
00000000 00001001
RLC/RRC stand for Rotate Left/Right Circular.
This is merely returns the complement of the acc…if you have ld
a,%01010101, then cpl, will return 10101010 in the acc.
Bit level instructions can be a lot quicker than rom calls, or alternative
methods, thus use them when you can!
Related Topics.
All tutorials Copyright (c) James Matthews 1998, unless specified.