Re: A83: Basic prog compiling


Re: A83: Basic prog compiling

I'm just saying that if you could find the core of the BASIC Assembler
somewhere in the ROM (and I wouldn't be too suprised if Linus already
has),  you'd only have to change it a little in order to make it so it
permanatly compiles the program.  Let's say if the interpreter turns the
BASIC code into ASM, you could modify it so it makes a program that calls
_createprog and ldir the code to the new program.

PS.  I know the problem with CURCOL on the string routine, you couldn't
control the colomn (or however you spell it) in BASIC.

On Mon, 3 Aug 1998 22:45:48 +0900 "James Matthews"
<> writes:
>i wouldn't even bother trying if I were you...think about it.  How 
>you translate the following basic command?
>If (expr(Str)-1>0) or (iPart(A/B*Y1(2)) = 1/3)
>Disp "Wow, it worked!"
>Ok, so I'm overdoing it, but I love putting multiple commands on one 
>like that...and I'm sure other people do to.  To change that to ASM 
>be, well...difficult.
>And also commands like:
>normalcdf(), rref(), ref()...would be close to impossible to change to 
>unless they have Rom calls.
>I mean, if you wanna try, go ahead :)...but I'd doubt you'd get to
>far...but this is one point I wanna be proved wrong on...hehe
>James Matthews.
>E-mail (family):
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>ICQ:  7413754
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: A83: Basic prog compiling
>> Date: Monday, August 03, 1998 1:31 PM
>> I'll program a computer program that converts basic to asm.  it may 
>> exactly like ti basic though.

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