A83: Re: Can you check this code?
A83: Re: Can you check this code?
The call has to be tabed too. Umm do you get a heap of errors. If the answer
is yes then you will need some include files that work. Try Ti-philes and
Ti-calc instead of TI. If you only get a handful then they should have line
numbers next to them all. Just write down the numbers and then using EDIT in
dos, scroll down to that line number. Use the numbers on the bottom left
hand of the screen to help you.
Besides that I think it should work. If it dosn't then remove the "!", that
might be stuffing it up but I don't think so.
-----Original Message-----
To: assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-83@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Tuesday, 14 April 1998 12:45
Subject: A83: Can you check this code?
>Ok When I compile this with tasm:
>.NOLIST ;You ought to know what this is by now.
>#define equ .equ
>#define EQU .equ
>#define end .end
>#include "ti83asm.inc"
>#include "tokens.inc"
>.org 9327h
>call _clrLCDFull ;Clear the screen
> ld a,5 ;load 5 into acc.
> ld (currow),a ;load acc. (5) into (currow)
> ld a,6 ;load 6 into acc.
> ld (curcol),a ;load acc. (6) into (curcol)
> ld hl,STRING_ONE ;load string STRING_ONE into hl
> call _puts ;displays
> ret ;returns to origional program
>STRING_ONE: ;Label STRING_ONE follows
> .db "Hi there!",0 ;defines string as "Hi there!"
>end ;ends program
>Tasm gives me erors, Wahts rong heare