Re: A83: Help
Re: A83: Help
I will retract my previous statement about the first mac. I have an SE and what
I'm wondering is if my SE took 5 minuted to start Sys 7.5.1, how can you get any
performance out of the 8MH 68000 (same processor that my SE has)?? or did you
upgrade the processor? I like my Duo 280c with 24Mb ram and a 320Mb HD enough.
Running Mac OS 8.1 (Even without minor modification, having an SE Running System
7.1 can one-up a comparable PC, which would be...if we are judging on an
equivalent PC I think maybe a slow 486 or fast 386 would be equivalent!) My Duo
280c can do things that those dumb PIIs still can't do!
Long live the Mac!
P.S. Lets see if we can get a TI-89 or 92 to run Mac OS!
Grant Stockly wrote:
> I suggest you say nothing about the first mac, or any other mac. My mac
> 128k has an 800k disk drive (from 400k), a SCSI port, 4MB Ram (up from
> 128k), and it can run system 7.5.5 right off a 9GB hard drive without a
> glitch. Now, do that with an 8MHz 8080 IBM. The IBM has to run win95
> perfect. Impossible, period...
> Beleive me, my 128 and 512k are the kings of macs... :)
> Btw, the Z80 is an 8080 clone...we don't see our calcs running win95...
> Hail to motorola!
> >Kinda sounds like the first mac that wasn't upgradable and couldn't be open
> >without the "Jaws of Life"!
> You need a 15" screwdriver, and then it popps off. They did that because
> you can literally kill yourself from the flyback transformer/capicator/or
> anything close to the monitor... Same goes with TVs, or any computer
> monitor...
> >Trey Jazz wrote:
> >
> >> its like this: you system sounds too much like a room with four walls and no
> >> door. it sounds like if you do what u want to accomplish then it will be
> >> tightly sealed. the reason why most anyone wants a computer is that it is
> >> fun, has cool stuff, internet, etc. what you are trying to do is change this
> >> so that you are like the supreme lord of puters which is worse than what
> >> bill gates is doin. why would you expect ppl to buy a puter that you can
> >> open up any time you want cuz u got the 0 access or whatever. if its hard to
> >> program then you wont have any 3rd party support which means your system
> >> will have no external funding which means your systems are gonna cost like a
> >> million dollars each. another problem ive say that the cpu when
> >> pulled out will erase itself but you also say how you were going to
> >> piggyback the chips on top of each other to add new commands. so youre
> >> saying that everytime someone wants to upgrade their cpu they are gonna have
> >> to send you their puter?
> >>
> >> >actually i am a dedicated hacker and i have found no way around my own
> >> >system. it isn't symbolised the way you said, it's more like you can
> >> >put anything in the toaster that YOU want (recording your presence), and
> >> >only YOU can get it out, anyone else touching the toaster will get
> >> >zapped (not killed, just a tingle). the toaster can make poptarts too.
> >> >you can put something in one end of the toaster and someone else put
> >> >something in the other end, and only you two can access your own stuff
> >> >(of course you can tell it for other people to be able to touch it like
> >> >wife/husband).