Re: A83: a program:


Re: A83: a program:

Damn, I was going to take Civilization, dissasemble it, convert from pc-asm to
ti-asm, and have civ for the 83.

-Phelan 'Amen' Wolf

Trey Jazz wrote:

> no dissasembler will ever be able to decompile it into the same source...
> when its assembled the labels are stripped and changed into addresses in the
> programs. its even pretty hard to have a program change them back into even
> a fake label for a workable source.
> >I got DASM a while ago which disassembles the Hex into
> >obviously can't match exactly what was in the original file...often
> >subroutimes don't even look remotely the same.  I think it's specifically
> >for the TI-85, but it could work with pretty much any calc....and of
> >course, all the names you assigned are lost completely so it's really not
> >worthwhile to disassemble progs.
