More later,
P.S. While you are taking over Apple, could you also get rid of Microsoft?? ;-)
Robert Caldwell wrote:
actually i am a dedicated hacker and i have found no way around my own
system. it isn't symbolised the way you said, it's more like you can
put anything in the toaster that YOU want (recording your presence), and
only YOU can get it out, anyone else touching the toaster will get
zapped (not killed, just a tingle). the toaster can make poptarts too.
you can put something in one end of the toaster and someone else put
something in the other end, and only you two can access your own stuff
(of course you can tell it for other people to be able to touch it like
ICQ:9188921 "No Sol to kill"
webpage:{{True, for every scenario you thought of you found a solution,
but...for the
"dedicated" hacker, there is always a way. There is always a way around
possible protection scheme, no matter how elaborate! I really wouldn't
a system with such limited access, anyways.It's like buying a toaster
only lets you put toast in and never pops it out, and you can only make
toast on thursdays, unless there is a full moon, of course. Here's a
thought, if you really want the system to be read-only, dish out the
on ROM cards! ;-)More later,
NickRobert Caldwell wrote:
> this seems like a good response, but not correct. the system i
> will contain an OS that only enables itself the ability to delete or
> rearrange file. this means that you have to have a password to use
> deletion tool, and you also cannot at all costs use the HardDrive like
> the RAM (meaning no more looking up FATs or actually byte allocations
> memory). this does bring down a lot of possible programs, but i
> seen a great game yet that needs to delete files on the harddrive. i
> know saved games need to be cleaned out once in awhile, but that's why
> am putting a password protection on it, maybe i'll make a "deletable"
> file attribute that will allow that file to be deleted without
> confirmation. virii were made by huge corporations in the first place
> in order for them to clean out their harddrive (deltree c:\*.* /y is
> usually used). this isn't a hightech virus but it still gets the job
> done. now the ability to delete massive amounts of files is gone (if
> the computer i propose is built). since you can't send commands out
> the cpu like an OUT statement (unless you have priveladge of 0 which
> can't since that'll be my system only).
> this may sound stupid now, but until you see it you can't dis it
> (patience--spelling?). for every hacker/cracker/virii scenario i came
> up with, i've also come up with a way to stop it.
> i can't say much more until i actually build the system and show you,
> but please feel free to criticize somemore.
> -Rob
> ICQ:9188921 "No Sol to kill"
> webpage:
> {{virii and hacking is ALWAYS possible no matter how tight you think
> your
> system is. if you want ppl to buy your system you gotta make it able
> do
> stuff, that would bring down the security so you will most definately
> have
> virii and hacking done on your system.
> >5) anti-virii--the program will contain levels built in, the
> >multi-tasking system is built in also (windows isn't the built in
> >feature). this means that if a file starts deleting or messing with
> >other files it will contact you about it and ask for a key
> >that you are positive you want the files messed with. if you delete
> >file, it is usually sent to the "recycling bin" but now its' name is
> >stored in a "temp" file where you can "empty your recycling bin" and
> >it'll ask you for confirmation. this is the only way you can delete
> >files. and for the case of saving over a file, it's simple, the
> program
> >can't have a file open without it having a header file saying that
> >file is used by the program. (technical jargon)...just say that it
> >works, i've done some testing (trying to write virii in my mind) and
> >came up with deadend results (meaning the virii didn't work).
> >6) unhackable--the cpu is unhackable, the privaledge (spelling?)
> levels
> >of each program don't allow it to read other programs' stuff (meaning
> no
> >"add-ons" allowed unless the company making the add-on gives me the
> code
> >and i'll place extra stuff in it to cross the system). this doesn't
> >mean the cpu is's just for add-ons. it has a built in
> >hex/code/etc. editor that is upgradeable also (but only by me or my
> >company--when it's operational), this means that this is the only way
> to
> >view a file in hex, also meaning that you can't disassemble a program
> if
> >it is "sealed" (another new feature). a "sealed" program is like an
> >uninstallable/not read-able at all type feature. whenever a program
> >that is "sealed" is installed in the system the filename is stored in
> an
> >"uninstall" list, in which the user can only delete the file using
> >uninstall program (which is also built in.}}
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