Re: A83: Help
Re: A83: Help
Why not? it's funny to watch them bitch (pardon my french).
Oh by the way
IBM PC'c will one day rule the earth..
-----Original Message-----
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, 14 April 1998 16:08
Subject: Re: A83: Help
>This shit Pisses me off, we nead not talk about that heare, it is realy
>anoying to people who have a mail Quota and are unable to get help becouse
>this shit!!!
>> SGIs are better than Alphas... :)
> >>Ahhh, the Amiga. One of the better computers out there. I love them.
> >>Unfortunately, I don't own one, but I at least own a compatible system:
> >>ATARI 520ST (ring any bells?). NEwayze, I don't mean to get off of
> >>(and I hope nobody holds me against my opinions on Amiga's-lets NOT get
> >>in ANY PC-AMIGA-MAC wars, PLEASE!), but does NE1 have an Amiga that
> >>they're interested in selling? (C8:
> >>
> >> -Dimitri
- Re: A83: Help
- From: (Nick Dunklee)