Re: A83: Can you check this code?


Re: A83: Can you check this code?

Only one small tab error



> Ok When I compile this with tasm:
> .NOLIST                 ;You ought to know what this is by now.
> #define equ .equ
> #define EQU .equ
> #define end .end
> #include ""
> #include ""
> .org 9327h

You need to tab in the line below:

> call _clrLCDFull        ;Clear the screen

>         ld a,5                  ;load 5 into acc.
>         ld (currow),a           ;load acc. (5) into (currow)
>         ld a,6                  ;load 6 into acc.
>         ld (curcol),a           ;load acc. (6) into (curcol)
>         ld hl,STRING_ONE        ;load string STRING_ONE into hl
>         call _puts              ;displays
>         ret                     ;returns to origional program
> STRING_ONE:                     ;Label STRING_ONE follows
>         .db "Hi there!",0       ;defines string as "Hi there!"
> .end
> end                             ;ends program
> Tasm gives me erors, Wahts rong heare
