Re: A83: Can you check this code:
Re: A83: Can you check this code:
Nice program, but if I made a change it applies for [most] instances
throughout your code, about the placement [?] I can't help you, try Trey or
one of the other die hard asm. I am still learning.
-Phelan 'Amen' Wolf
Alan C Johnson wrote:
> You really don't have to check this: it is a lot of code. I would really
> appreciate it if did, though.
> The point of it is to display Master M and bounce it off the sides of the
> screen. All of the stuff at the begining is to make it A-Shel
> compatible. I managed to make it stable, the only problems are that the
> words aren't in the right place and they don't move.
> Also, I used register 'a' a lot to make sure the instructions worked.
> I'm sure I didn't need it at least half of the time.
> Thanks so much if you help.
> GetKey1:
> call _getkey
> cp 05h
> jp z,Init
> jp nz,GetKey1
change this to jp GetKey1
> Init:
> ld a,29
> ld b,a
> ld a,29
> ld c,a
> ld a,1
> ld d,a
ok, do this:
ld b,29 ;load 29 into b
ld c,b ;load 29(b) into c
ld d,1 ;load 1 into d
> Check1:
> ld a,l
> cp d
what is d set at, did you set that in init
> jp z,D1
> ld a,2
> cp d
> jp z,D2
> ld a,3
> cp d
> jp z,D3
> ld a,4
> cp d
> jp z,D4
what happens if a does not equal d?
> D1:
> ld a,b
> inc a
skip ld a,b just do inc b
> ld b,a
> ld a,c
> inc a
> ld c,a
> cp a
> jp z,DCC1
> D2:
> ld a,b
> dec a
skip ld a,b just use dec b
> ld b,a
> ld a,c
> inc a
> ld c,a
> cp a
> jp z,DCC1
> D3:
> ld a,b
> dec a
> ld b,a
> ld a,c
> dec a
> ld c,a
> cp a
> jp z,DCC1
> D4:
> ld a,b
> inc a
> ld b,a
> ld a,c
> dec a
> ld c,a
> cp a
> jp z,DCC1
> DCC1:
> ld a,55
> cp c
> jp z,DC1
> jp nz,DCC2
> DCC2:
> ld a,58
> cp b
> jp z,DC2
> jp nz,DCC3
just use jp DCC3
> DC2:
> ld d,3
> DCC3:
> ld a,0
> cp c
> jp z,DC3
> jp nz,DCC4
just use jp DCC4
> DC3:
> ld d,4
> DCC4:
> ld a,0
> cp b
> jp z,DC4
> jp nz,GetKey2
> DC4:
> ld d,1
> Getkey2:
> call _getkey
> cp 05h
> jp z,Exit
> jp nz,Display
> Exit:
> call _clrlcdfull
> ld hl,0000h
> ld (CURROW),hl
> ret
> Title:
> .db "Word Mover Plus",0
> Author:
> .db "By Mastermind",0
> Message:
> .db "Master M",0 ;Feel free to change this
> .end
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