Re: A83: Help


Re: A83: Help

{{{{Of course, if you guys start saying the mac is better, I will have 
to argue...  :)}}
The mac is technologically superior, but Apple's marketing sucks so 
that's why there are so many more PC users.

i'm sorry, but i just don't see the relivence (spelling) in comparing 
apple's with oranges.  both of these computer architectures have 
upgradeable style, windows type interface, and even a dos-like entry 
level, just like apples and oranges are both fruit.  you can say one 
computer is faster than another because how about if one computers ADD 
command uses 5 cycles and the other uses 1 cycle, one program using a 
lot of ADDs might go faster on one computer, but if you used a different 
command that did the same job but with lower cycles it would be just as 
fast.  what i'm getting at is that the computer doesn't decide the speed 
of the programs, the program decides the speed.

if people would stop competing and make a great emulator between the two 
systems, everyone would be fine.

personally i hate macs, but that doesn't mean i'm never going to touch 
one.  i mean, yeah sure macs still possess some of the old C64 style 
stuff (that i've seen) and have digital slowness because of the transfer 
between the video card to the monitor, and yes maybe macs are easier to 
break into than microsofts' computers, and sometimes the screen freezes 
right when you're doing something can't ever find what 
key does what unless you read the manual page by page which you can't 
because it doesn't have many pictorials to show you what does what, and 
maybe even make you frustrated.  the cables are all wrong, sometimes the 
cables are so close together that you can't have more than one unit 
plugged in at a time, the printers made for macs are slow, they use the 
very old commodore style printing, the pictures come out lined....oh 
man, now you got me started.  forget what i said about apples and 
oranges, this is like comparing a great loving girlfriend with hitler.  
down with hitler.

i have spoken my mind :)
i hope i didn't offend anyone. (this was mostly in humor at the tangent 
we've drawn to calculators)

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