A83: learned asm


A83: learned asm

Then gave me like 3000 errors and some errors about no label for line 10
and others. As well as stuff about unused MS stuff. I'm not sure my
computer's about to crash. :) not kidding

the unused byte error when you load a double register with a one byte value,

ld bc,$00


ok heres a sample program...it should compile correctly :) (i made it in a
minute or so)

#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"
#define equ.equ
#define EQU.equ
#define end.end

.org 9327h

call _runIndicOff
call _clrLCDFull
ld a,0
ld (penrow),a
ld (pencol),a ;a doesnt need to be loaded with 0 again because it still has
0 in it
ld hl,world
call _vputs ;displays the text
call _getkey ;pause the program
call _clrLCDFull

 .db "Hello World!',0