A83: learned asm
A83: learned asm
I have combed the web for all the asm journals I can find. It's been
months. Now, I want to learn. I have compiled a program before that I
copied word for word, it just cleared the screen. I was wondering if you
guys could help me with the errors in my program. It looks like this:
#define equ.equ
#define EQU.equ
#define end.end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"
.org 9327h
call _runIndicOff : do i need to describe the org or whatever numbers in
.NOLIST using #define
call _clrLCDFull
ld a,0
ld (penrow),a
ld a,0
ld (pencol),a
ld hl,hello
.db "Hi, this is an assembly program"
.db "Nat wrote!" : used to have my name :)
call _clrLCDFull : clear screen again
jp nat : goto the label nat
.db 00000000b : This is something i saw in a journal, it seems to
compile fine. It is supposed to display an
8x8 block
.db 01100110b
.db 00000000b
.db 01000001b
.db 00100010b
.db 00011100b
.db 00000000b
.db 00111110b
jp end : goto end
.db "I hope you are impressed."
.db "I wrote this with my Ti-92."
When it compiled it ran through tokens.inc and ti83asm.inc for some reason.
Then gave me like 3000 errors and some errors about no label for line 10
and others. As well as stuff about unused MS stuff. I'm not sure my
computer's about to crash. :) not kidding
I tried to fix it by turning it into this:
#define equ.equ
#define EQU.equ
#define end.end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"
.org 9327h
call _clrLCDFull
.db "Hi, this is an assembly program"
.db "Nathan Smith wrote!"
It said that this program was not ti-83 specific and line 0000: No END
directive before EOF. I guess not being ti-83 specific could be a good
thing, i don't know.
Help would be great, I have a burning desire to start learning how to use
asm. As soon as I jump these last hurdles i can sail to the world of asm.
Sorry for a long post if you have complaints. You can send me a personal
e-mail if you like.
Thanks a whole lot,