A83: Re: Re: help to understand
A83: Re: Re: help to understand
>>call _putc ;??
>not aware of that one
puts the character at the font table with offset a at the current cursor
>>call _pdspgrph ;what does this do to the graph, and what is the command
>>to clear the graph
displays the graph screen
>>set write_on_graph(iy+sgrflags)
>>1d bc,57 ;store 57 as bc
>>1d de,94 ;store 94 as de
>>1d h1,bc ;store bc as h1
>>1d h,de ;store de as h
>>call _iline
>can't help you there.
ld b,<first x coord>
ld c,<first y coord>
ld d,<second x coord>
ld e,<second y coord>
ld h,1(or 0 for a white line)
call _iline