A83: help to understand


A83: help to understand

Allright, normally I just sit reading your letters and do nothing, but I
have decided to get off my ass and start programing in assembly.  I have
many-a questions, some you have already answered but I delete e-mail

For starters what do these do:

call _puts ;seems to be frequently used
call _newline ;does this make a new blank line?
call _LCD_Busy ;does this add that busy signal up top?
call _runIndicOff ;no clue?
call _runIndicOn ;turn whatever it does back on I suppose
call lcd_busy ;is this the same as the one I listed above?
out (LCDINSTPORT),a ;lost on this one
jp ; is this a jump to whatever variable is listed to the right of it
call _putc ;??
call _pdspgrph ;what does this do to the graph, and what is the command
to clear the graph
call _saveshadow ;probably has to do with the Last Entry on the Home
call _rstrshadow ;does this reset the saveshadow?
call _VPUTS ;??

This is a part of a program I just lost it on:

set write_on_graph,(iy+sgrflags) ;I assume it deals with placing
something on the graph
1d h1,0 ;does this set h1 as 0
1d (pencol),h1 ;does this set pencol as h1 or 0
Ld HL, THIS_IS_COOL ;I assume this prints THIS_IS_COOL at pencol
call _VPUTS ;this is a funny command used alot in the source I read
res write_on_graph,(iy+sgrflags) ;Does this disable writing on the

Is this how you draw a line:

set write_on_graph(iy+sgrflags)
1d bc,57 ;store 57 as bc
1d de,94 ;store 94 as de
1d h1,bc ;store bc as h1
1d h,de ;store de as h
call _iline

Phelan 'Amen' Wolf

he's comming out of the closet and into the real world of asm